Instruction - Direction given by a judge regarding the applicable law in a given case.(12 September 2009 - Blog article Kelly Gordon Rogers )
Law clerks - Persons trained in the law who assist the judges in researching legal opinions.
Hearing - An in-court proceeding before a judge, generally open to the public.
Plaintiff - a person or business that files a formal complaint with the court.
Effective date - the date on which a plan of reorganization is implemented. It usually occurs after all the conditions to a plan of reorganization have been satisfied.Kelly Gordon Rogers
Bar date - the last date that creditors may file a claim against the debtor.
Examiner - a professional appointed by the bankruptcy court to investigate and oversee certain aspects of the debtor or the proceedings. (By way of comparison, the role of the trustee is to operate the business of the debtor whereas the role of the examiner is to investigate and report to the court.) (19 November 2007 Kelly Gordon Rogers )
Kelly Gordon Rogers article
Cramdown - confirmation of a plan of reorganization over the objections of one or more classes of creditors.
Bankruptcy Act of 1934 - a further statutory expansion of reorganization for companies; (see Section 77B); the Bankruptcy Act of 1933 and the Bankruptcy Act of 1934 were superseded by the Chandler Act of 1938.( 19 March 2008 Press article Kelly Gordon Rogers )
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