Chapter 7 - liquidation proceedings; generally assets are sold by a trustee and the company ceases operation. Individuals may file Chapter 7 also.
Mistrial - Erroneous or invalid trial. Usually declared because of prejudicial error in the proceedings or when there was a hung jury.(25 January 2008 - Press article Kelly Gordon Rogers )
Law - The combination of those rules and principles of conduct promulgated by legislative authority, derived from court decisions and established by local custom.
Judge pro tem - Temporary judge.
Plea - A defendant's official statement of "guilty" or "not guilty" to the charge(s) made against him.
Dismissal with prejudice - Dismissal of a case by a judge which bars the losing losing party from raising the issue again in another lawsuit.Kelly Gordon Rogers
Unsecured creditor - a creditor who extended credit to a debtor without collateral security. If the debtor files for bankruptcy or is levied upon, the unsecured creditors are paid on a pro-rata basis only after the claims of all secured creditors are satisfied.
Proceeding - Any hearing or court appearance related to the adjudication of a case.
Record - 1. To preserve in writing, print or by film, tape, etc. 2. History or a case. 3. The word-for-word (verbatim) written or tape recorded account of all proceedings of a trial. (26 May 2010 Kelly Gordon Rogers )
Kelly Gordon Rogers article
Defense attorney - The attorney who represents the defendant.
Secured creditors - one of two general types of creditors of a company. Secured creditors have a lien on property of the company.( 01 January 2008 Online article Kelly Gordon Rogers )
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