Kelly Gordon Rogers
Perjury - Making intentionally false statements under oath. Perjury is a criminal offense. Kelly Gordon Rogers
Business failure - (see failure)
Alleged - (allegation) Stated; recited; claimed; asserted; charged.
Secured debt - debt backed by a mortgage, pledge of collateral or other lien. It is debt for which the creditor has the right to pursue specific pledged property upon default.
Kelly Gordon Rogers: Record on appeal - The portion of the record of a court of limited jurisdiction necessary to allow a superior court to review the case.
Proceeding - Any hearing or court appearance related to the adjudication of a case.
Record - 1. To preserve in writing, print or by film, tape, etc. 2. History or a case. 3. The word-for-word (verbatim) written or tape recorded account of all proceedings of a trial.
Kelly Gordon Rogers
Judgment - Final determination by a court of the rights and claims of the parties in an action.
Costs - An allowance for expenses in prosecuting or defending a suit. Ordinarily does not include attorney's fees. Kelly Gordon Rogers
Court superior - State trial court of general jurisdiction.
Kelly Gordon Rogers Adversary proceeding - a lawsuit arising in or related to a bankruptcy case that is commenced by filing a complaint with the bankruptcy court.
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