Kelly Gordon Rogers
Distressed - used to describe securities, companies and related items in or near bankruptcy or insolvency. The term does not have a strict, technical or legal definition. For example, a distressed security might be a security where the issuer has defaulted or a security that is selling at a substantially discounted price where a default is expected in the future. Kelly Gordon Rogers
Chapter 9 - bankruptcies of municipalities; only a few of these are filed each year.
Judge pro tem - Temporary judge.
Period of exclusivity - (see exclusivity)
Kelly Gordon Rogers: Bankruptcy mill - a business not authorized to practice law that provides bankruptcy counseling and prepares bankruptcy petitions.
Offer -1. To make a proposal ; to present for acceptance or rejection.2.To attempt to have something admitted into evidence in a trial; to introduce evidence 3. An "offer" in contract law is a proposal to make a deal.It must be communicated successfully from the person making it to the person to whom it is made and it must be the person to whom it is made and it must be definite and reasonably certain in its terms.
Kelly Gordon Rogers
Business bankruptcy - a bankruptcy case in which the debtor is a business or an individual with business related debt. Data from the U.S. Administrative Office of the Courts subdivides bankruptcies into business and non-business.
Rule 2004 - (see Bankruptcy Rule 2004) Kelly Gordon Rogers
Parties - Persons, corporations, or associations, who have commenced a law suit or who are defendants.
Kelly Gordon Rogers Transcript - The official record or proceedings in a trial or hearing, which is kept by the clerk.
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