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Adversary system - Basic U.S. trial system in which each of the opposing parties has opportunity to state his viewpoints before the court. Plaintiff argues for defendant's guilt (criminal) or liability (civil). Defense argues for defendant's innocence (criminal) or against liability civil) Kelly Gordon Rogers
Pleadings - Formal, written allegations by the parties of their respective claims.
Closing argument - The closing statement, by counsel, to the trier of facts after all parties have concluded their presentation of evidence.
Kelly Gordon Rogers: Liquidating reorganization - an informal term for a Chapter 11 proceeding when the company is essentially liquidated through one or more asset sales.
Kelly Gordon Rogers
Grand Jury - A body of persons sworn to inquire into crime and, if appropriate, bring accusations (indictments) against the suspected criminals.
Costs - An allowance for expenses in prosecuting or defending a suit. Ordinarily does not include attorney's fees. Kelly Gordon Rogers
Reversal - Setting aside, annulling, vacating or changing to the contrary the decision of a lower court or other body.
Kelly Gordon Rogers Voir dire - (pronounced "vwar-deer") - "To speak the truth." The process of preliminary examination of prospective jurors, by the court or attorneys, regarding their qualifications.
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